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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween Cyclocross

Today was the annual cyclocross race at camp arrowhead. Its a halloween race so people dress up and it a blast. There was "Super Girl" the women started 1 minute behind the men. My goal was to keep Super Girl behind me. She is a friend of mine and she seriously dusted my ass at the last mountain bike race we did so I was really stoked to keep her at bay. I did. Although that did not stop me from getting girled by one woman.
This race was very exciting because it was my first one back from recovering from my year of harrowing accidents. I finished and felt I did really well. I didnt want to push myself too hard so I wore my heart rate monitor. Well I managed to keep my heart rate around 179 for the entire race. Considering my max is 181 this is pretty high. It felt good though. Anne Marie Piotr and Deb all came out to watch and it was great to have them there and to have my friend Rob there racing with me. I only fell once going up the hill you see. Someone was in my way and I fell sideways. No damage however. There was one very difficult downhill section which every timeI got down one of thes things I feel like I am going to flip over the bars and end up with another chest tube. I hope this feeling goes away soon.
So back to the costumes one guyed dressed up as Nacho Libre. Nacho Libre ended up crashing pretty hard into one of the barriers and that ended his day. Fortunately I survived and will race next Sunday at Ellison park. The link to results is on

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