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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Let me show you how to make the face

There must be a reason this blog is named How to Make the Face.
Here I am sprinting toward the finish at the 2011 Race with Grace on Thanksgiving day.

Carrott Chopper and I participated in this race. It was my first 10K in several years.
I wish I had a copy of the finish line video, they showed it in the church after the race.
I am shown finishing then mouthing what appear to be swear words as I agonize in pain. I swear I was not however, swearing that is. I indeed was in a lot of pain. And thats how you make the face!


Debra Denton said...

I beg to differ Portless. Although this "face of PAIN & physical EXERTION" may be classic, you have many more dramatic facial expressions! I look forward to future posts sporting these;-)

Ann M said...

Mario Cuomo! Your face in this picture, Gary. That's who you resemble and it's been bugging me until just now, over one year later! Mario Portman, has a nice ring to it. Or Portman Cuomo. You decide.