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Monday, November 26, 2012

Sometimes, the smallest thing can take you down

Above is the item which caused my house to have no heat. The black thing on the left not the penny you fool. That small piece of rubber which cracked and caused the safety pressure switch to not see any exhaust pressure and shut off the furnace. Sometimes it worked but sometimes it did not. Mostly it did not. How did I figure this out? First I noticed that the house was cold and the thermostat was calling for heat but the furnace was off. Then I started trying to turn on the furnace by cranking up the thermostat. This furnace worked for the first 3 times I tried this on different occasions. On the fourth time the furnace flame failed to light and I happened to notice a little red light inside the furnace blinking 3 times, this must be telling me something. So off I went to consult the keeper of all knowledge, the passing fad known as the internet. I am getting pretty good with my google search terms and I get very disappointed if the answer is not in the first hit. And this time I did not disappoint myself and there it was a full explanation and 73 page service manual included with a reference to the problem and how to fix it, a clogged nipple (sounds painful but its a furnace not a human body part). Unfortunately, this do not fix my problem, for this I blame google. Although it did point me in the right direction. On my second attempt to check all parts of the system the little piece of hose above happened to fall off while I was disassembling the system. Voila, a cracked hose. I crown myself king of home repair and google search wizardry.

1 comment:

Debra Denton said...

Very nice darling. Your wizardry is very much appreciated in The RED QUEEN'S Kingdom!