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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hosptial Stay

I am layed up in the hospital with a tube connecting me to the wall so I thought I might share some of my thoughts and experiences.
It seems to take a long time to get things after you ask for them here are a few examples.
1) 600 mg motrin. 6 hours
2) Shot of Tramadol so I can stop wreathing in pain. 4 hours. They wanted to see if the Motrin would work first but it took a while to get (see above). They kept asking me my pain on a scale of 1 to 10. It had been a 9 for about 2 hours before they got around to getting me the shot.
3) Saline nasal solution so my nose lining will stop pealing off. 8 hours. They had to get it prescribed from the pharmacy. Its salt water for god sake.
4) Lotion so I can stop itching my ass off in the dry air in this hosptal. 8 hours. I asked 6 people for it several times.
5) We are now in hour 2 waiting for a laxative. I hope it comes soon....I havn't pooped since I have been here (3 days)
6) I am randomly visited by several different doctors each day. One Dr came in said he wanted to take my tube out but he first wanted to look at my x-ray. He left and said he would be back but he never returned.
7) I arrived here with X-rays from another emergency facility. As soon as we entered the door the x-rays were lost and never seen again.
8) I wanted a breath rite nasal strip so I can breath better. I am supposed to be taking deep breaths but my nose is clogged due to being dry. Two doctors told me to get someone I know to bring it in from the outside and that would be the only way I would get it.
9) I am told by several Dr's I am going to get this and that say Oxygen or a breathing machine. These things never arrive so I ask about them. After about the third or fourth time asking they eventually show up.

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